Mastering Your Own Credit Repair

by David Whalley

When it comes to credit repair, if you’ve found yourself in a credit crunch, going the DIY route might be your best bet. We’re constantly bombarded with ads from companies promising quick fixes for a small fee. However, the truth is, self-help credit repair is not only doable but often the most effective approach.

The DIY Credit Repair Trend

Contrary to popular belief, fixing your credit on your own isn’t as tough as it seems. In fact, the latest trend in credit repair is all about self-help. Your first step is to pull a copy of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Thanks to the FACT Act, you’re entitled to one free credit report per year from each bureau. For any additional reports, expect to pay a small fee—usually between $10 and $15.

A great resource to get those reports is

Post-it note displaying consumer credit report

Scrutinize Your Credit Reports

Once you have your credit reports, it’s time to dive in and scrutinize the details. Chances are, you’ll find some errors. These could range from a past-due account that’s been paid off to a debt that was never yours in the first place.

If you spot any inaccuracies, contact the credit reporting agency both by phone and in writing. You’ll need to provide proof of the error, and the agency is required to notify you in writing of their decision—whether they’ll remove the error or leave it due to insufficient proof. Persistence is key here. Successful self-help credit repair demands a proactive stance on ensuring the accuracy of your credit information.

Checking for errors on a credit report

Develop a Long-Term Credit Plan

A crucial part of self-help credit repair involves creating a long-term plan to manage your credit use and avoid future issues. While credit counselors can assist with this, why spend the money and risk dealing with a dubious company?

Do some research and you’ll find a wealth of information online, as well as software programs that can assist you with your self-help credit repair efforts. Repairing your credit yourself requires a commitment, but in the end, you’ll find satisfaction in knowing you did it all on your own!

Planner with notes about budgeting and financial goals.

Stay the Course

Self-help credit repair is about more than just fixing errors—it’s about building habits that will sustain your financial health in the long term. Develop a budget, track your spending, and prioritize paying off high-interest debts first. Over time, these habits will contribute to a healthier credit profile and greater financial freedom.

Have you already gotten your credit in order and want to see about getting that mortgage? Book a call with us and we'll get you started!


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